Knitting and Sailing

So. The spring yarn – Malabrigo Mechita “Lluvas” – a really gorgeous colourway very reminiscent of purple irises with the shot of pale greeny-yellow through it became the Linus shawl(free on Ravelry)! The simplest of squishy garter stitch asymmetrical triangles seemed just right for this and the result is the perfect spring neck-wrap when it can still be breezy and rainy. Love!

Finished while sailing our little vintage boat one blissful and sunny May day…

I didn’t manage a May post but June isn’t too old,yet, so here’s the next of those seasonal yarns, the summery and intense colourway “anniversario”, brightest pinks mixed with a hot rainbow spectrum. Loose mesh shawl “Reyna” (see Ravelry) was a great choice for a light summer triangle good for a cool evening or a not-so-hot day out sailing:

It’s our annual charter on Lake Constance which started out hot but has inserted an upset reduction in temperature, a slight blip 😮 Just to show you can knit anywhere! And by the weekend it’s due to be baking hot.
The shawl needs blocking (perhaps stretched out on deck when the rain stops?) to spread the mesh and take the roll out of the edges but I’m very pleased how it turned out and the colours really pop. I had enough yardage to add an extra section each of garter and mesh so reckon it’s about 5′ wide once blocked, which makes me even happier!

8 thoughts on “Knitting and Sailing

  1. Knitting on a sailing boat – I hope you didn’t get sea sick! I would have…. I love the colours of both your shawls but the red/pink/purple one in particular. Happy colours.

  2. I started a shawl a couple of winters ago in malabrigo somethingorother and I confess it’s still sitting unfinished in a basket – oops! It looks like you had a lovely time. Sea and blue sky – heaven…

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